A silly story: “To jaw jaw is always better than to war war.”

Sir Winston Churchill was hungry after a long flight from London’s Heathrow airport. He didn’t like the food on the plane. I am going to eat at the White House in a few hours, I can wait, he said to himself. Winston was happy. He was invited by president Dwight Eisenhower to celebrate their incredible military victory over fascism for the third time. Dwight was his friend, but the president wasn’t a Statesman. He was a General. As the food was being served in the beautiful White House dining room, to distract himself from an increasing hunger pangs in the face of endless speeches and protocol, he turned to his host and said, “The Soviet Union was our friend in arms against Hitler but Communism now is our adversary.”

“Yeah, Winston, the Russians are coming, and I am tired of another war”

“Yes, Dwight, they are here to stay, I am afraid, the Soviets have just detonated their first nuclear bomb. We can’t conquer their country like we did to the Germans.”

“A mutual destruction scenario, ah?”


“What are we going to do?”

“Well, to jaw jaw is always better than to war war.”

Dwight gave Winston an astonishing look. Reagan and Gorbachev were still kids playing Monopoly, not having any political power yet. I don’t know if you readers have heard of Jaw Jaw, but thirty-seven years later history verified in 1991 that what Winston said in 1954 in a While House luncheon was true. The Soviet Union collapsed. To jaw jaw is always better than to war war.

“What is to jaw jaw, someone asked me.”

“Psychological warfare, dude, psychological warfare.”

“What about Obama…can he do it to Iran”?

“Give me a break. Ever Netanyahu can’t do it to Ahmadinejad.”

“Is hard to do?”

“No, it’s is easy to do with unstable Iran”

“So we will have a war war and not a jaw jaw”?

“The main thing, Jew Jew, is to be strong strong and ready ready.”